As a water and land lawyer, I have worked closely with Paul Black for many years.  Paul is smart, honest, hardworking, gracious, and diplomatic. He is an environmentalist supporting sustainable practices and renewable energy, including wind, solar, and hydro power.  Paul believes in responsible development which helps families make a living and add community value, while preserving open space, agriculture, clean air and water.  Paul and Krii walk this talk through the farm, ranch and event business they operate on their L-J Ranch.

County government no longer serves us well, because bureaucrats, especially planning and county attorneys, require people to bow to onerous and unnecessary rules, which make it costly and often impossible to get good projects approved.  Paul wants to change nonsensical County practices and Code provisions to make government work for the people, and not against us.    

Vote for Paul Black for County Commissioner.  He will be a wise and practical voice for us all. 

Geoff Craig

Paid for by Paul Black for La Plata County. Copyright 2025. All Rights Reserved.